Press Release

The Digital Presence Ecosystem


The Digital Presence Ecosystem

We, at Digital Presence, are very conscious of many things, but most important is that we are totally aware of the fact that our clients’ successes ensure our own continuing success.

That is also why our primary driving force is (and always will be) the ability to ‘add value’ to our customers and their businesses.

That something ‘more’ that we add to a client’s business is designed to provide that competitive edge that we are all looking for.

We, just like our clients, are in it for the long term and this is clearly demonstrated by the fact that many of our clients have been with us since before the beginning. What I mean by that is that we have clients with whom we have worked before we formed this company and all of them have become much more than mere clients. They are now our friends because they know that we understand the trials and tribulations that they went through when they began their own businesses. While we have had the pleasure of watching their business grow, they have also had the opportunity to watch our business expand. We have shown that it is possible to start as a local business and ultimately expand your ‘reach’, and very quickly become known internationally.

It is merely a question of time and the right expertise!

The friendship that we have developed with so many of our clients is based not just on our own technical excellence and service, but on something which money certainly cannot buy and that is trust. Our clients have become used to the fact that whenever they have any sort of issue they wish to discuss, we will be there for them.

Adding value to a client’s business is not merely a slogan. We know that there is little point in working as any sort of consultant without all of our focus being on helping our clients to drive their business forward into the future and doing so by increasing their revenue and ensuring that they have a decent return on their own investment.

Our long-standing and regular clients will also confirm that because we fully understand the dynamics of any business, we are totally flexible.

For instance, there have been many occasions when our campaigns have generated a very rapid influx of new business for our clients. All it needs is a phone call from them telling us that they need to pause the campaign because they may be having difficulty coping with the sudden rush of business – and we put the brakes on the campaign until they tell us that once again they are ready to ‘go’. That trust and close relationship with our clients creates that informality and speed of reaction which we are able to deliver.

Believe it or not, we are on first name terms with the vast majority of our clients not only because we have become to know them very well, but because we have become a part of their business.

We are family!

There is nothing quite like a long and established business relationship and although we will never take any of our clients for granted, it makes life much easier for both sides when both we and the client can be totally open and honest with each other. After all, when you think about it – we’re all on the same team!

That’s another very good reason for not only consciously building relationships, but working hard at maintaining them.

The sort of work we do here at Digital Presence on our clients’ behalf can appear very technical, but then again what we do on their behalf is very much at the leading edge of digital marketing and of course we don’t expect our clients to understand all the technical aspects of how we are helping them to expand their horizons.

That leads me onto another reason why we think we are so strong in retaining our clients…… It is the fact that we do not make the mistake of over complicating anything we do for them. We achieve that by only communicating with them in the simplest non-technical terms and by explaining to them exactly what we are achieving for them and how their business is benefiting.

Obviously, we also have clients who employ their own web developers and whenever they have a problem, they come to us direct because they know that we will work with them for as long as it takes to solve any issues that are preventing their website from functioning at 100%.

Finally, we hope you can therefore see that the three pillars of our thinking and success within our informal but totally professional ecosystem are:

Technical Expertise, Service Excellence, and Solid Long-Term Business Relationships.


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