Content Marketing Website Design
Content Marketing Website Design

The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing for Online Fashion Brands

All statistics and trends are pointing towards digital marketing being the best growth strategy for fashion companies. Fashion brands which are retailing through eCommerce platforms are able to capture an untapped global or national audience unlike any other. Follow Digital Presence’s ultimate guide to Digital Marketing to help your brand realise its online potential!   […]

Content Marketing Digital Marketing
Content Marketing Digital Marketing

The Impact of Fake News on Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is about connecting brands with customers, sharing valuable and reliable information and presenting your business ethos to the world through your products and services. A well-developed, and thoughtful digital marketing strategy utilises a multi-pronged approach to engage customers in the forums and platforms where they are likely to be.  This strategy engages customers […]

Content Marketing Google SEO
Content Marketing Google SEO

How voice search is changing the digital marketing industry

The Voice Search revolution has well and truly begun. And it’s changing the digital marketing industry. Over the last few years, the use of smart assistants including Siri, Amazon Alexa and Google Home has grown in popularity, which means that businesses need to start exploring how voice search will impact their digital marketing efforts. They […]

Content Marketing Digital Marketing Google SEO
Content Marketing Digital Marketing Google SEO

Google’s Maccabees update: What it means for your website.

  Google’s Maccabees update: What it means for your website. Late last year, Google confirmed new core changes to their algorithm. The new roll-out was quickly named the Maccabee update by the SEO community, and websites all over the globe began feeling the effect of the changes. It is important to note that the Maccabees […]

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