Google SEO
Google SEO

The 11 Google Search Ranking Factors

Understanding Google’s decision making process behind website rankings in search results, is an obvious aid when it comes to building your digital presence. However, when the internet is flooded with discerning theories and debate over Google’s ranking factors, how can you determine what is misinformation and what is accurate? Search Engine Journal recently published an […]

Google SEO
Google SEO

Enhancing Local SEO

Google My Business as a digital marketing tool Google remains one of the most popular and keenly used search engines on the world wide web and it has remained competitive by continually improving its capabilities and features.  Google My Business (‘GMB’) is one such feature that has been introduced to improve and enhance local searches; […]

Content Marketing Google SEO
Content Marketing Google SEO

How voice search is changing the digital marketing industry

The Voice Search revolution has well and truly begun. And it’s changing the digital marketing industry. Over the last few years, the use of smart assistants including Siri, Amazon Alexa and Google Home has grown in popularity, which means that businesses need to start exploring how voice search will impact their digital marketing efforts. They […]